Our mission is to fix the streets of our community, which have been neglected far too long.

Together with the community, we plan on filling the potholes that plague the streets of Oakland. All donations will be withdrawn into our personal account and used to purchase EZ street asphalt and other equipment necessary to appropriately fill potholes that will directly benefit the Oakland community.

This initiative started in Oakland, CA, but we hope to inspire everyday citizens to fix the problem in their neighborhoods wherever they may be.

We were recently on HBO’s VICE NEWS


Oakland has the worst streets in America.

Don’t believe us?
Read it and weep.

Now image 7,000+ of these holes. They’ve killed and injured numerous cyclists, and by one estimate add $1,000+ of damage to the average vehicle each year.

Now image 7,000+ of these holes. They’ve killed and injured numerous cyclists, and by one estimate add $1,000+ of damage to the average vehicle each year.

With our streets eroding by the day, it will take years for the city to catch up, and you pass that darn pothole on your little corner every day. It’s time for you to do something about it.

71% of Oakland roads are classed as “poor”.


Got a pothole? Get EZ Street. EZ Street asphalt is a simple to use permanent pothole repair. It makes driveway repair a cinch. Simply sweep out the pothole in your driveway. Pour in the high performance cold asphalt. Compact EZ Street asphalt for a permanent asphalt repair.

We’ll provide you with the same quick-fill asphalt that the city crews use.

Generously provided to us at a discount by the wonderful folks at EZ Street Asphalt, our asphalt can be applied without heat, in any weather conditions, and without professional experience.
